How to Connect With Popular Music Artists for Collaboration as an Upcoming Artist

Are you looking forward to connecting with popular music artists for music collaboration as an upcoming music artist? If your answer is yes, then this informative article is written just for you. Make sure you read to the end because I’m going to explain how to connect with popular music artists even as an upcoming artist and still be able to collaborate with them to create hit music that will push you into the limelight.

Collaboration is very important for you as an upcoming music artist because you have little to no fan base both online and offline. Collaborating with popular music artists will increase your popularity within a short period.

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Benefits of Collaboration for Upcoming Music Artists

These are some of the major benefits of collaborating with popular music artists as an upcoming artist in Nigeria or other countries of the world.


  • Massive promotion for your music career as an upcoming artist
  • Fast and easiest publicity
  • Introduction to the new music market
  • Opportunity to work with more popular music artist
  • Higher chances of being signed to a popular record label
  • Higher chances of getting an investor

Social Media

You can make use of the available social media platforms to reach out to popular music artists in Nigeria or other countries of the world for music collaboration.

A lot of upcoming music artists have been able to use social media to reach out to successful music artists in the Nigerian music industry and they can secure a collaboration with them. You can also make use of the same method and it will work perfectly well for you if you do it right.

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You need to send your music sample to a popular music artist you like to work with and let him or her decide whether to work with you or not. If you are talented, then it will be very easy to secure a collaboration with a successful music artist.

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Music Concerts

Music concerts are one of the best avenues to associate with successful music artists if you are an upcoming artist at the moment.

Try as much as possible to attend many music concerts where popular music artists will perform. You may be able to meet any of them if you can’t meet them in person, you may meet their manager, producer, record label boss, or any other individual in their team who can help you to reach out to the music artist for music collaboration.

 Music Producer

There are several successful music producers in Nigeria who have worked with several popular music artists. If you have the opportunity to meet any of these music producers they may introduce you to successful music artists that are ready to work with you if you are talented enough.

It is very simple and straightforward word to secure a collaboration through a music producer or other professionals in the music industry because they have good relationships with popular music artists and believe in them so it is very straightforward to work with successful music artists with the recommendation of their producer, music video director, DJ and other professionals in the music industry.